As part of the standardisation activities included in the FormPlanet project, the CEN Workshop “Innovative testing in support of the sheet metal forming industry” was launched on 02-12-2020 with the participation of 34 attendees from 17 European organisations, including several FormPlanet partners, and representatives from the EC, CEN/CENELEC, and relevant laboratories and companies.
The FormPlanet CEN/WS has as main objective to develop two CWAs on novel testing methodologies that allow to characterise metal sheet properties and predict part performance, in order to prevent production loses to the sheet forming industries to tackle the upcoming challenges in formability of processing sensitive materials.
- CWA #1 Test procedure for the characterisation of fracture toughness in thin metal sheets
- CWA #2 Measurement of diffusible hydrogen in metallic materials by means of HELIOS 4 HOT PROBE equipment
During the event, the participants had the opportunity to receive and exchange information about two main aspects: the European standardisation system and the general functioning of the CEN Workshops for the development of CEN Workshop Agreements (CWAs), and the FormPlanet CEN WS Project Plan, as the reference document for the works to be developed during the lifetime of the CEN WS. In this public document any interested party can find information about the motivation to create the CEN WS and its scope, the related existing standardisation activities, and the work programme with a calendar for the upcoming months.
Also, as in other CEN/CENELEC standardisation bodies, the Chairperson and the Secretariat of the CEN WS were appointed, being Eurecat and UNE respectively. A specific task and time assignment was finally performed among the participants, in order to develop these CWAs in due time before the end of the FormPlanet project, at the end of 2021.
The FormPlanet CEN WS is born to support the metal forming industry through standards, respecting the principles of openness, transparency and consensus that have made of European standardisation system a helpful tool for innovation. It is expected that both CWAs support the implementation of the FormPlanet Test Bed services, helping to assure the reliability and quality of the test procedures and results, and thus, to increase the trust on their future users.