FormPlanet project promotes a new Call for Papers for the Special Issue: “Metal Forming and Forging” of the Materials Journal. This Special issue aims to collect outstanding papers focused on innovative processes that can help to understand and solve current and real industrial problems for a better and more robust process design, monitoring and control.
The deadline for manuscript submissions is the 31st of August, 2021.
Nowadays, metal forming and forging are highly and extensively used for the industrial production of high-added-value components using different metal alloys. For that reason, continuous research in both production processes and techniques is essential in order to understand the mechanisms that govern the transformation of the metal into its final shape, avoiding defects and predicting the final properties of the components.
In this sense, the “Metal Forming and Forging” Call for Papers is an important opportunity to progress the understanding about the development of new material and tribological/contact characterization methodologies, ending in advanced numerical models which enable the simulation of complex industrial processes, as well as about the innovative process that allow the manufacturing of complex components by using conventional and hard to process metals.
Papers submitted could be focused on different topics such as:
- Sheet metal forming: deep drawing and stamping, hot stamping and press hardening, shear forming, roll forming, gas or fluid media forming and levelling.
- Bulk metal forming, forging: cold and hot forging, rolling processes and bulk sheet metal forming.
- Material and tribological/contact characterisation and modelling.
- Microstructural evolution modelling
- Damage failure and ductile fracture modelling, final properties prediction
- Model-based process control, analytical and empirical methods
The papers will be published in the Materials Journal, an international Open Access journal which offers information and knowledge related materials science and engineering sectors (Impact Factor 2.972).
FormPlanet project’s partner Dr. Daniel Casellas, Scientific Director of Eurecat, is one of the co-editors of this Call for Papers, together with Dr. Lander Galdós, Researcher and Lecturer at the University of Mondragon (Spain).
Submission information
Manuscripts submission will be made online at by registering and logging into this website. Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference proceedings papers). A guide for authors and other relevant information for submission of manuscripts is available on the Instructions for Authors page. Papers accepted for this Special Issue will be published online in the journal immediately after the acceptance, so there will be no delay for authors who submit their work.