FormPlanet project has been represented during the 40th International Deep-Drawing Research Group Conference (IDDRG 2021) which has been celebrated in virtual format from June 21st – July 2nd.
During the session “Prediction and control of product and assembly properties”, David Frómeta from Eurecat presented the work titled “A new cracking resistance index based on fracture mechanics for high strength sheet metal ranking”.
Download the presentation here
This work presents a rapid procedure which has been used to evaluate the fracture toughness of different AHSS sheets by means of the essential work of fracture methodology, as well as a new Cracking Resistance Index (CRI) proposed for AHSS classification and useful to predict the crack propagation resistance of AHSS. The results concluded that a combination of the rapid notching procedure and the use of the CRI offers a fast and cost-effective method to estimate the crack propagation resistance of AHSS.
The IDDRG Conference was founded as an organisation of national groups devoted to the study of sheet metal forming including forming processes, materials, formability issues, tooling, tribology and many other interesting aspects of sheet metal forming research and industrial practices. The conference ais to provide a rich environment for knowledge development, discussions and interactions.