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- Create Date January 11, 2022
- Last Updated February 16, 2022
This document provides guidelines for the use of standardisation by Test Bed users and by R&I projects. The aim of FormPlanet is to develop and demonstrate an integrated ecosystem offering novel testing methodologies to characterise sheet properties, predict part performance and prevent production loses to the sheet forming industries and to tackle the upcoming challenges in formability of processing sensitive materials.
New testing methodologies, and FE approaches to predict formability and part performance as well as monitoring and inspecting NDT has been developed and adapted to the sector needs. The potential of the novel approach has been proved by studying industrial demonstrators, selected to prove the solutions for relevant industrial problems for the whole value chain, and to reduce cost and time-to market in the development of new materials and products. 9 industrial partners representing the sheet metal forming industry value chain have validated the new methods and approaches. A solid, sustainable and simple organisational structure will be implemented for the future Test Bed service provision, based on experienced partners with strong business focus. The Test Bed FormPlanet time to market is estimated by the end of the project, when technical and business infrastructure and marketing strategy will be implemented.
This document is part of the works of task T7.3 “standardisation activities” of the Work Package WP7 “Impact Activities” of the FormPlanet project. This document complements the information provided in D7.2, Report on the standardisation landscape and applicable standards. The aim of D7.2 was to provide an initial analysis of the standardisation landscape relevant to FormPlanet. It was produced with the objective of being a useful document to the stakeholders involved in FormPlanet, and as a first step towards the development of the following tasks:
▪Development of a guide document that will ease the Test Bed users to identify the relevant standardisation environment and the relevant knowledge and contacts to start the process to standardise their innovative products.
▪Contribution to the ongoing and future standardisation developments. D7.7 begins explaining the benefits for standards and standardisation for R&I projects. Standards are industry-driven and promote comparability, compatibility and interoperability.
They build trust, as their drafting, approval and revision processes are based on the consensus of all the relevant stakeholders, under clear rules of openness and transparency. Besides, they are common references for industry, for societal players and for public administrators. Due to this , they are the base of a large percentage of the world commerce and, according to the Public Procurement Directive, can be referenced as technical specifications in public procurements procedures. Besides, standards support public policies, as it is the case, e.g. of the European harmonised standards. Moreover, standards support the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda by implementing the sustainable use of resources and energy while protecting consumers, workers and the environment. This document provides clear information on which are the different kinds of standardisation documents, and where are they produced. It also provides guidance on how to find information on these subjects. However, the core of this deliverable is focused on how Test Bed users and R&I projects can take advantage of standards and standardisation and participate and influence in their contents and processes. Finally, the contact points of all the relevant Technical Bodies are given.